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April 2012 Blog Posts

NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference 2012

NVIDIA's CUDA is making headway into the CFD field with some exciting performance increases. As a researcher and developer working with CFD I am interested in learning as much as possible about how to use CUDA (or more generally the GPU) to enhance my simulation capabilities. NVIDIA is hosting a GPU Technology Conference in San Jose, California from May 14th to 17th (2012) which has many sessions on CUDA. In particular they have 29 sessions on CFD which are very interesting: Definitely check it out if you are interested in numerical simulations!  "GTC advances awareness of high performance computing, and...

posted @ Friday, April 27, 2012 7:07 PM | Feedback (4) | Filed Under [ Technical Computing School ]

Higher dimensional partial integration

This post is in regards higher dimensional partial integration, a topic of vector calculus. Here I show a quick and non-formal way of integrating by parts in higher dimensions. Consider the volume integration over omega which is bounded by the manifold gamma. Omega is assumed an open bounded subset of R^n, and gamma assumed a piecewise smooth boundary. These assumptions are required by Stoke's theorem.    First apply the product rule under the integral. Second, use Stoke's theorem to evaluate the volume integral Here, the surface integral is projected against the outward facing normal, g-hat. The right hand side...

posted @ Wednesday, April 25, 2012 10:19 PM | Feedback (7) | Filed Under [ Mathematics ]

Some essential tools for new graduate students

A higher quality of work is expected of graduate students by advisors, peers and others. One of the best ways to start producing a higher quality of work is to start using more advanced tools to produce your work. These particular tools will help you produce material that visually impresses and assists you in producing graduate student quality material. LaTeX LaTeX is a "document markup language and document preparation system" that makes your work of print quality. Instead of a "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) editing paradigm used in visual programs such as Microsoft...

posted @ Wednesday, April 25, 2012 4:06 PM | Feedback (5) | Filed Under [ School ]

Simple method to constrain stored procedures by a collection

Passing a collection of ID's to filter a SQL query within a stored procedure is not natively supported. Consider this article which discusses methods for passing arrays into a stored procedure. Constraining a stored procedure's query has a simple work around, however. Passing the ID collection as a comma deliminated string allows the query to use LIKE to constrain the results. Note that the preceding and trailing commas are necessary. An example demonstrates how to do this easily.  DECLARE @Ids varchar(max); set @Ids = ',1,2,3,4,5,'; Select * from [TableName]     WHERE @Ids LIKE ('%,' + cast(TableID as varchar(50)) + ',%')

posted @ Saturday, April 7, 2012 4:12 PM | Feedback (2) | Filed Under [ Web Programming ]

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