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Visual Studio – Expand All Regions and RockScroll

Scott Hanselman recently made RockScroll available to the public here, The add-on, if you haven't tried it, is great. One of its most useful features is highlighting in red a selected keyword both inline and in the scroll bar. It allows you to quickly, and visually find all instances of a term. The add-on has a minor bug though, it doesn't account for collapsed regions. So if regions are collapsed the scrolling will not line up with the code.

David Yack posted,, a list of some shortcuts which are particularly handy for expanding and collapsing regions. One of which is to expand all regions recursively, which is great for quickly opening all regions (which are closed by default) so that the highlighted terms line up.

Reposted from David Yack's blog.


CTRL+M CTRL+M (that's two key presses!) - collapse/open the current parent region

CTRL+M CTRL+L - Collapse/Open all regions in document recursively (meaning you might get only one line in the document - one big namespace region which is collapsed or you'll see the entire page code uncollapsed

CTRL+M CTRL+O - Collapse all regions not recursively -

Print | posted on Friday, August 22, 2008 9:46 PM | Filed Under [ Web Programming Technical Computing ]

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